Babel: Not just for antiquity anymore


Grammar & Writing


THE UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA WRITER'S GUIDE - Department of English, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada VERY EXTENSIVE. For more information see Clearihue Computing or the Department of English

WRITING INSTRUCTIONAL HANDOUTS: RESOURCES FOR WRITER'S - OWL, Purdue University Writing Lab, Department of English, Purdue University, Indiana VERY EXTENSIVE. Over 130 Instructional Handouts. For more information see Online Writing Lab (OWL) or the Department of English



LEXEME-MORPHEME BASE MORPHOLOGY (LMBM) - R. Beard, Linguistics Program, Bucknell University VERY EXTENSIVE. For more information see Dictionaries Online Home Page

A LEXICALIZED TREE ADJOINING GRAMMER FOR ENGLISH - The XTAG Research Group, Institute for Research in Cognitive Science, University of Pennsylvania

AN ONLINE ENGLISH GRAMMER - A. Hughes, Edunet International For more information see Online English Grammar Home Page


GRAMMAR POINTS - A. Salzmann, Intensive English Institute, Division of English as an International Language, University of Illinois VERY EXTENSIVE. For more information see English Structure for Academic Purposes or The DEIL LinguaCenter

HYPERGRAMMAR - D. Megginson, Writing Centre (Le Centre d'Ècriture), University of Ottawa (l'UniversitÈ d'Ottawa) VERY EXTENSIVE. For more information see Writing Centre (Le Centre d'Ècriture)

SYNTAX TUTOR: JAVA INTERACTIVE - A. von Klopp, Department of Linguistics, University of Wales Bangor, U.K. "From this page you can access the Syntax Tutor, a Java applet which allows the user to practise writing phrase structure grammars for natural languages (and have some feedback on the result)." For more information see Department of Linguistics

THE ENGLISH INSTITUTE'S PRELIMINARY GRAMMAR BOOK - The English Institute, U.K. For more information see The English Institute, U.K.



WORD NET 1.5 - HOLONYMS: "WHOLE NAME - A WORD THAT NAMES THE WHOLE OF WHICH A GIVEN WORD IS A PART; 'HAT' IS A HOLONYM FOR 'BRIM' AND 'CROWN'" - Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University Multimedia. VERY EXTENSIVE. HTML or JAVA. Includes: Definition, Synonyms, Antonyms, Holonyms, Hypernyms, Meronyms, Troponyms, Familarity & Coordinate Terms. For more informaton see WordNet or the Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University



WORD NET 1.5 - HYPERNYM: "SUPERORDINATE, SUPERORDINATE WORD - A WORD THAT IS MORE GENERIC THAN A GIVEN WORD - Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University Multimedia. VERY EXTENSIVE. HTML or JAVA. Includes: Definition, Synonyms, Antonyms, Holonyms, Hypernyms, Meronyms, Troponyms, Familarity & Coordinate Terms. For more informaton see WordNet or the Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University


Language Identifier & Translators

LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER - D. Beeferman, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University "This program will attempt to identify automatically the language of a sentence, phrase, or word of your choosing." For more information see Doug Beeferman's Home Page

SAY: TEXT TO SPEECH TRANSLATOR - Tele-Informatics and Open Systems (TIOS) Group, Departments of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Twente, Netherlands "Enter a sentence, it will be passed through the 'rsynth' text-to-speech translator."



WORD NET 1.5 - "MERONYMS: "A WORD THAT NAMES A PART OF A GIVEN WORD; 'BRIM' AND 'CROWN' ARE MERONYMS OF 'HAT'" - Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University Multimedia. VERY EXTENSIVE. HTML or JAVA. Includes: Definition, Synonyms, Antonyms, Holonyms, Hypernyms, Meronyms, Troponyms, Familarity & Coordinate Terms. For more informaton see WordNet or the Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University



CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY RONOUNCING DICTIONARY -Carnegie Mellon University "A machine-readable pronunciation dictionary for North American English that contains over 100,000 word and their transcriptions."



BARLETT'S FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS - 9TH EDITION - Columbia University, NY "Browse or search 9,000 quotations and 2,000 footnotes by over 400 authors". For more information see Columbia University.



RHYMING DICTIONARY - D. Beeferman, Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science



SYNONYM DICTIONARY - Vancouver Web Pages "This is a project at Vancouver Webpages to generate copyright-free lists of English synonyms for a search engine." For more information see Vancouver Web Pages

WORD NET 1.5 - SYNONYM: "EQUIVALENT WORD - TWO WORDS THAT CAN BE INTERCHANGED IN A CONTEXT ARE SAID TO BE SYNONYMOUS RELATIVE TO THAT CONTEXT" - Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University Multimedia. VERY EXTENSIVE. HTML or JAVA. Includes: Definition, Synonyms, Antonyms, Holonyms, Hypernyms, Meronyms, Troponyms, Familarity & Coordinate Terms. For more informaton see WordNet or the Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University



THESAURUS SEARCH: ROGET'S - Mark Olsen, ARTFL Project, University of Chicago "Search the headwords or full text of Roget's Thesaurus version 1.02 (supplemented: July 1991) released to the public domain by MICRA Inc. and the Gutenberg Project".

THESAURUS SEARCH: ROGET'S - B. Kariger, Editor, "This is a new hypertext edition of Roget's Thesaurus, based on the text of the 1911 edition from Project Gutenberg"



WORD NET 1.5 - TROPONYMS: "A WORD THAT DENOTES A MANNER OF DOING SOMETHING; 'MARCH' IS A TROPONYM OF 'WALK'" - Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University Multimedia. VERY EXTENSIVE. HTML or JAVA. Includes: Definition, Synonyms, Antonyms, Holonyms, Hypernyms, Meronyms, Troponyms, Familarity & Coordinate Terms. For more informaton see WordNet or the Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University


Finnish/Suomeski - Language & Translation Dictionaries

"FINNISH-JAPANESE" - A. Karhu, University of Helsinki, Finland


French/Français - Language & Translation Dictionaries

BASE DE TERMINOLOGIE (ENGLISH-FRANÇAIS-DEUTSCH-ESPAÑOL) - Conseil International de la Langue Française, Paris, France VERY EXTENSIVE. Can be accessed using either French, English, German or Spanish. Word translations (i.e. tree-arbre-baum-arbol) are in French, English, German or Spanish. Word definitions are in French. For more information see Conseil International de la Langue Française

DICTIONNAIRE - ANAGRAMMES - CONJUGAISONS: FRANÇAIS - Dico Net, Hem, France "Dictionnaire de la langue française: dÈfinitions, mots-croisÈs, anagrammes, conjugaisons. Plus de 50000 dÈfinitions, plus de 300 000 mots reconnus."

LE DICTIONNAIRE VOCAL FRANÇAIS/ANGLAIS (DICOVOX 1.0) - Laboratoire d'Analyse et de Technologie du Langage, DÈpartement de linguistique, UniversitÈ de GenËve, Switzerland "C'est dans ce dernier domaine que l'application ci-dessus s'inscrit, elle rÈunit nombres d'outils technologiques de pointes liÈs ý la synthËse vocale, au multimÈdia et ý la communication..." For more information see Laboratoire d'Analyse et de Technologie du Langage

LE LEXIQUE - FRANÇAISE - Conseil International de la Langue Française, Paris, France For more information see Mode d'emploi - Conseils; Orthonet or Conseil International de la Langue Française

FRENCH VERB CONJUGATION DICTIONARY - ARTFL Project, University of Chicago "The INFL analyzer is a licensed product of the MultiLingual Theory and Technology team at the Rank Xerox Research Center, in Grenoble, France made available to ARTFL through a technology exchange agreement." For more information see ARTFL Project, University of Chicago


German/Deutsch - Language & Translation Dictionaries

"ENGLISH-GERMAN" "DEUTSCH-ENGLISCH" (Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry) - Hosted by: Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources (SUL/AIR) "Copyright 1990 by Springer - Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. Reproduced for educational purposes with permission from Springer - Verlag." For more information see Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources (SUL/AIR)

"BRETONISCH-DEUTSCHES" DEUTSCH-BRETONISCHES" - J. Heinecke, Deutschland For more information see Studies in Celtic Linguistics Online

DEUTSCH-FRANZöSISCH/FRANZöSISCH-DEUTSCH/DEUTSCH-ENGLISCH - Zeres GmbH. Bochum, Deutschland For more information see Zeres GmbH. Bochum, Deutschland

GERMAN GRAMMAR BOOK - G.A. Smith, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, College of William & Mary Multimedia (Text). For more information see Modern Languages and Literatures


Kurdish - Language & Translation Dictionaries

"KURDISH-ENGLISH" - K. Khan, Language Engineering Program, Uppsala University, Sweden VERY EXTENSIVE. For more information see Kamal Khan's Home Page


Latin - Language & Translation Dictionaries

ALLEN & GREENOUGH'S NEW LATIN GRAMMAR - J.J. O'Donnell, Tufts For more information see James J. O'Donnell Home Page

MEDIEVAL LATIN DICTIONARY: VADEMCUM IN OPUS SAXONIS ET ALIA OPERA DANICA COMPENDIUM EX INDICE VERBORUM - Hans Christophersen, Denmark "Hoc est tomus II (auctore Franz Blatt) operis Gesta Danorum ut appellantur; tomus II labori meo fuit fundamentum, sed necessitate mcoactus omnia errata atque delicta in huius temporis scriptorio facta emendavi ut spero." For more information see Hans Christophersen's Home Page (Dansk) or Hans Christophersen's Home Page (English)


Norsk/Norwegian - Language & Translation Dictionaries

ELEKTRONISKE ORDB¯KER (ELECTRONIC DICTIONARIES) - "The University Databases for Language and Culture", Norwegian Language Council, Norway A searchable dictionary (BokmÂl, Nynorsk and Engelsk). For more Information see Ferdige databaser og prototyper; The Documentation Project (English Version) or Dokumentasjonsprosjektet (Norwegian Version).

Dictionaries examples include

BokmÂlsordboka er n tilgjengelig

Nynorskordboka er n tilgjengeleg


Paraguayan - Language & Translation Dictionaries

INTERACTIVE GUARANI DICTIONARY - W. Lustig & G. Ramirez and hosted by the Audie L. Murphy Memorial Veterans Hospital, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Translates Guarani, German, and Spanish. "The indigenous language that is one of the two official languages of Paraguay." For more information see Guarani Home Page


Polish/Polski - Language & Translation Dictionaries

"POLISH-ENGLISH" "POLSKI-ANGIELSKO" - Stanislaw Staszic, University of Mining & Metallurgy, Krakow, Poland For more information see Stanislaw Staszic's Home Page


Portuguese/Português - Language & Translation Dictionaries

DICIONÁRIO DA LÍNGUA PORTUGESA - Porto Editora e Priberam Informática, Lda., Portugal "Para consultar o Dicionário, o utilizador terá apenas que digitar a palavra e clicar na opção que desejar." DefiniÁ“o, Pesquisar, Verbos, Configurar. For more information see Priberam

PORTUGUESE (Dicionário Oficial e Técnico da Comunidade Europeia: Interface em PORTUGUÊS) ECHO - EURODICAUTOM: Felix Gaehtgens and Jens Kurlanda, University of Frankfurt, Germany


Spanish/Español - Language & Translation Dictionaries

DICCIONARIO ANAYA DE LA LENGUA - "Con este Diccionario absolutamente actualizado puedes consultar en tiempo real cualquier duda o ampliar tu información sobre la lengua española a través de 33.000 voces y otros 3.000 términos fácilmente deducibles." For more information see Grupo Anaya


Swedish/Svenska - Language & Translation Dictionaries

"SWEDISH-FINNISH" "SVENSK-FINSKT" - Swedish Schoolnet, The National Agency for Education, Stockholm, Sweden For more information see Lexion Dictionaries or Swedish Schoolnet, The National Agency for Education, Stockholm, Sweden

Other Dictionaries include

Swedish-Danish-Norwegian Dictionary

LANGUAGE BANK OF SWEDISH - Institutionen f–r svenska sprÂket, G–teborgs universitet

Information p Svenska

Turkish/Türkçe - Language & Translation Dictionaries

"TURKISH DICTIONARY" "TÜRKÇE SÖZLüK" - Turkish Morphological Analyzer, Turkish Natural Language Processing Initiative Project "Enter a Turkish word in the box above and the click on the LOOKUP button." For more information see Turkish Natural Language Processing Initiative Project


Welsh - Language & Translation Dictionaries

"WALISISCH-DEUTSCHES" 'DEUTSCH-WALISISCHES" - J. Heinecke, Lehrstuhl Computerlinguistik, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany For more information see Johannes Heinecke's Home Page


Language Databases & Resources

ETHNOLOGUE DATABASE (THIRTEENTH EDITION) - Editor: B.F. Grimes; Consulting Editors: R.S. Pittman & J.E. Grimes, Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), Dallas, Texas "The Ethnologue is a catalogue of more than 6,700 languages spoken in 228 countries. The Ethnologue Name Index lists over 39,000 language names, dialect names, and alternate names. The Ethnologue Language Family Index organizes languages according to language families." For more information see Summer Institute of Linguistcs (SIL)

Examples of Other Databases include

Living Languages of the Americas

Sources of Fonts and Accessories in Cyberspace


LANGUAGE DICTIONARIES ONLINE - R. Beard, Linguistics Program, Bucknell University VERY EXTENSIVE. "This page contains a list of online dictionaries and thesauri of possible interest to linguists and other writers." For more information see Dictionaries Online Home Page or Lexeme-Morpheme Base Morphology - R. Beard, Bucknell University

LANGUAGE HUB - D. Dornoy, Arthur International AB "The Language Hub is for translators, interpreters, scholars, travellers, or simply those with an interest in foreign languages, present or past. It provides access to all sorts of resources on the Net..."

HUMAN-LANGUAGES PAGE - Tyler Chambers "Devoted to bringing together information about languages of the World." Includes over 100 Dictionaries, Language Tutorials, Multilingual Resources etc.

TERMINOLOGY COLLECTION ONLINE DICTIONARIES - A. Nuopponen, Department of Communication Studies, University of Vaasa, Finland VERY EXTENSIVE. For more information see Welcome to the Terminology Forum! or the Department of Communication Studies

SITE O' JOEL: FREE ON-LINE TRANSLATION SITES, SOFTWARE, & RESOURCES - Joel "This website offers links to FREE, ON-LINE machine translation engines, translation dictionaries, translation word lists, and foreign language processing resources."

YAMADA LANGUAGE GUIDES - J. Cardozo, S. Keithan, J. Lehto and J. Eckenberg, Yamada Language Center, University of Oregon Multimedia (Text and images). "The guide currently contains information about 73 languages" and has "83 fonts for 33 languages. Very large resource. For more information see Yamada Language Center or the University of Oregon. The Language Guide can also be viewed by:

Browse Language Guides Geographically

Browse Language Guides Language Family

Font Archive

Directory of Language related USENET News Groups



Babel: It only tastes like meat